Mother's Day Weekend 2015

We celebrated Mother's Day with my family in Leavenworth this year.  The weather was perfect so we were able to spend our days outside, taking in the fresh mountain air (and more importantly running the kids ragged)  :)

Since Abigail and Kevin took the train last time (and because it was Mother's Day weekend!), I made the request to ride with Miss Abigail this time.

We had such fun!

The views through the North Everett valley were incredible, only surpassed by the scenery of the Cascades.

And while the (ancient, hardly still exists) photographer within was dying to take pictures, the toddler in tow was set on playing puzzles with my phone (said photographer only uses her iPhone for pictures nowadays) so I'm void of any cool shots.


The weekend was spent in the yard starting a garden, riding Gpa's new mower, playing down by the river, and enjoying some time in town.

Kevin's surprised me with an afternoon at Sleeping Lady on Saturday for a foot treatment, massage, and lunch.  It was just what I needed; some time away to decompress and take care of myself.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Eager to get on the train.  I had to explain a few times how cutting in line is frowned upon 

A picture with the "conductor"

Views of the Sound

Dinner Car!

Getting bored the last half hour...

Passing the property

They made May Day hats!  Of course the boy wanted the "girl" hat and the girl wanted the "boy" hat

An 18 month old can only take so much beer garden


Starting the garden.  All hands on deck


George's version of watering  :)

We came home Sunday and were able to spend the evening with Mamie, Papa, and Michael for dinner which rounded out the holiday weekend and made it all just right.

I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing, spoil-worthy weekend.

 Happy Mother's Day!



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