Family Time at Alderbrook

Kevin left work early last Friday and we headed to Alderbrook.  Friday morning was Abigail's first day of school, so it was a day full of excitement.

We talked about riding the ferry all morning and after picking Miss Abigail up from school, we headed straight to town for a ferry ride to Bremerton.  Abigail and George loved sitting in the far back of the car with me while we waited for the ferry, and once we boarded Abigail got a kick out of running on the deck with the wind blowing wildly around her.


With all energy exerted, the kids slept soundly on the car ride to Union and everyone was refreshed and ready to go once we arrived at Alderbrook.

(an expectation went as planned- success!)

We spent the afternoon walking to the waterfront and out on the dock (the tide was low and they were harvesting oysters), then spent the evening at a fresh oyster and whiskey tasting, and swimming in the pool. 


The kids chased the cat while we ate oysters

George was having a good time swimming but seemed a little unengaged, so we got out and sat by the hot tub.  Moments later I realized he was perfectly still and I looked down to find an adorably exhausted, sleeping baby in my arms. 

Life is good.

And since Abigail had so much fun swimming on Friday night, we took her back once more for a swim before leaving on Saturday.  She loved jumping in the pool and chasing after the ducky.

Our getaway was the perfect mix of fun and downtime.

Alderbrook, you nailed it once again.



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