17 months

Happy Birthday, Miss Abigail!

I can't believe you'll be a year and a half next month.  It's crazy how quickly you've gone from a baby to a toddler in these past 5 months.

As a tribute to this just-shy-of-a-year-and-a-half milestone, I thought I'd share "17 reasons why Abigail is Awesome" (like this one I did for Dad)

1)  You wake up singing- every morning

2) We got you a mini table and chairs (above) and you think it's amazing.  You'll eat anything I put in front of you while sitting there like a big girl.

3) You love your baby doll and pat her back to soothe her.  You've also started sleeping with her and will gab away as you fall asleep.

4) You and Minnie are best friends.  Ca's for life!

5) Your smile lights up a room.

6) You and Dad have a secret language- you think it's pretty funny.

7) Your hair is so curly that we had to start a deep conditioning treatment to keep the fro at bay.

8) Johnny Walker is by far your favorite toy.  You'll cruise around for hours but still refuse to take more than 20 steps on your own (being stubborn is pretty awesome- trust me, I know.)

9) You LOVE boys: men, babies, teenagers- age doesn't matter.  (I'm not sure if this makes you awesome, or me worry for your teenage years...)

10) You would win a geriatric prune competition, hands down.  Dried fruit is your fav.

11) Music makes your world go round.  You love when Dad plays guitar or sitting at Papa's office door, listening to him play music.

12) You sing the Tango constantly.  It's become the theme song to our life and gets stuck in everyone's head (Grandma taught it to you- she loves to dance around with you and sing it)

13) You answer to Bitz as quickly as Abigail.  Your nickname alone makes you pretty awesome.

14) You love aggressive cuddling; clenching your jaw and hugging as tightly as you can.

15) You adore The Little Mermaid soundtrack, and Under the Sea has the ability to make you stop crying instantly.

16) You prefer to stand in the grocery cart when shopping.  I can't blame you, you look pretty cool, but I've received more than a few glares for it.

and the #1 reason why you're awesome?!

Well that's simple....


Happy Birthday, Bitsy Girlfriend.

I love you~


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