Happy Halloween!

The fun hasn't stopped Halloween season!

To start, I actually got my act in gear again this year and decorated the house early, so we enjoyed our frightful decor for most of the month.

Add to that a pumpkin patch with Mamie and Papa earlier in the month, as well as school parties and a class trip to the pumpkin patch, and you have the recipe for some happy kiddos!

Both George and Abigail had school parties which I was able to attend.  George's class allowed siblings (so I brought Abigail along with me, who dressed up as a cat for the occasion), then today, Abigail's class had a party (no siblings were allowed, but luckily my mom was in town to watch the boys).

Here are some pictures of the festivities!

Partying with my G Man

He insisted I take a picture of his cape

Bowling at G's party

George's class, all dressed up!

Abigail's class, after getting back from Trick or Treating around the school

Standing up to tell us about her costume.  When Mrs. Deily asked, "and why are you Batgirl?" Abigail said, "because it's what came in the truck to our house" (Amazon Prime..haha!)

Playing Bingo

My turn to be the cat!

Halloween is off to a hectic but great start - wish us well tonight!


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