Spring Break '16

Having kids out of school for spring break was something new to us this year, and I'm not sure we will be ones to regularly take off to do something, but this year we decided it would be nice to spend the week in Leavenworth.

Kevin worked in town the first few days, then took off Thursday and Friday to spend an extended weekend playing with us.

We spent an afternoon in Wenatchee at Pybus Market, went on daily walks down the lane to see the horses and train, rode the ATV, and did all the other usual things (dinner in town, campfires, tons of outdoor time).

Here are pictures from our week!

Pybus Market

Living room turned toy room, once Gma and Gpa left for the week  ;)

Morning smoothies

He slept like crap ALL WEEK.  But in our bed he slept best (relatively speaking)

We put these (toy) guns away within minutes (after both A and G pointed them at each other, us, and in their eyes and mouths).  It was just a bit disturbing.  Ha!

Flying kites with Dad

Baby bear in a baby chair  :)

So focused

Cutting to the chase

We are headed back this coming Thursday (the big kids and Kevin will take the train over that evening!)  to celebrate my Dad's 70th birthday, and I can't wait to spend the weekend in one of my favorite places during it's most lovely season.



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