Easter 2016

Easter was so much fun this year!

Sure, it was harder to decorate, prepare, and celebrate with three kids on board, but we managed to do pretty well considering it all.

A couple days before Easter, I told Abigail we were going to decorate eggs after dinner one night.  We completely forgot, but then next morning, she comes running into our room, "Mom!  We need to decorate our eggs!!"

So here's what 6:45am looked like that morning!

A couple days later we went to visit the Easter Bunny at Bellevue Square with Ashlee and Trace.

Abigail had spoken with the Easter Bunny (thanks, Reid!) a couple days before, letting him know she wanted Elsa and Anna dolls for Easter.  As it turned out, she ended up requesting a Barbie from him in person (so back to the store I went, to return the Frozen dolls and grab a Barbie)

George REFUSED to wear his dress shirt.  So Kevin cued his Sir Topham Hat voice to seal the deal (George would jump off a bridge at STH's suggestion!)

Eyeing Sissy's lollipop (these two can finding ANYTHING to fight over)

And now crying about said lollipop

Our Easter Bunny / Lunch date crew

Then came Easter Sunday!

The kids woke up to eggs trailing down the stairs met by baskets full of goodies in the living room.  I went a little overboard on plastic eggs this year (an Easter morning fight over having less than your sibling, I was not up for) but it went great.  They were delighted by the candy they found in some of the eggs (that backfired a few hours later), and loved their baskets.

She held up each item in her basket to show us  :)

G LOVED his choo-choo blanket!

We decided to skip church that morning since we've been regularly attending (a requirement in order for Benjamin to be baptized!) and wanted to avoid the crowds.

Instead we went to Little Jon's for breakfast, then back home to get ready for family and friends who came for Easter Dinner.

I just love hosting Easter!  It's the first celebration after the holidays, and comes just as spring is arriving.

Dressing kids up in pastels only further seals the deal!  (Georgia Boy was the only one I got a picture of all dressed up.  But isn't he just the cutest?!)

We hope everyone enjoyed their celebrations this year.

Happy Easter!


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