four months

I can't keep up!

I could have sworn you were turning 4 months in a another week or so, but when I looked at the calendar, I saw we're already there.

Oops  ;)

The name of the game this month is sleep. More specifically, the lack thereof.

Around Christmas sleep was good; typically waking only once a night, but you regressed around the new year and have been waking every 2 hours most every night since.  It's slowly killing us all, and while I try to be positive about it, it's really wearing on me.

(I happened across George's 4 month post yesterday and saw the same story...Boy I hope you're a better sleeper than your brother was!)

Aside from the most precious gift of sleep, things are great!

Here are some fun things we're loving this month:

  • You started rolling to your tummy 
  • You're sitting up really well
  • You're engaging with toys.  Your favorite is that crazy handled rattle
  • You laugh when we tickle you.  It's the cutest thing EVER.
  • You've graduated to 3-6 month clothes.  6 month sleepers are still a tad big, but it's only a matter of weeks..
  • You weighted 12lbs at your 4 month appointment, putting you in the 5% for weight (although you're 96% for height!) We've started giving bottles to top you off at night and I feed completely on-demand now.  This makes me a slave to both you and the pump, but I don't mind.  We have a follow up appointment in two weeks to see if your weight has gone up.  I know we can do it!  I just think this time around I've been so busy that nursing sessions are cut a bit short.
  • And while your nighttime sleep is awful, you're beginning to carve out a (semi) predictable 3 naps a day

We had a big month celebrating your First Christmas, but it feels really nice to be back to a normal routine; giving me time to enjoy your babyhood  :)

I love you, little Ben.


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