Putting Down Roots

We finally got around to planting our wedding seedling this past weekend!

It's not technically the same one we planted at our wedding, but my parents saved a handful of them, and when our seedling sadly went bone dry (right around our 2nd Anniversary, and coincidentally right after the birth of our first baby!) we had back-up.

So we've been nurturing this little guy the past 3 years and it's been doing great!  Now that we finally have a family home, we decided it was time to plant him in the ground.

I just hope we planted it with enough space to grow.  It would be pretty hilariously depressing to have to cut it down in a few years  ;)

Here are some pictures of us hard at work, planting our little seedling!

I thought it would be fun to take a family picture each year on our anniversary, next to our little tree.

This year's self-timer image leaves some room for improvement  :)


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