21 months

Hi George!

I missed writing your 20 month post (we were in Hawaii), but I'm back and have so much to tell you about these past 2 months.

You are becoming such a strong willed, determined little guy.  To a fault at times, but as a strong personality myself, I (mostly) find it endearing and adorable.  When you get set in your ways, there's no chance of re-directing you; what you want is what you're going to get!

Grandpa believes our strong will / stubbornness is a Serbian gene.  I think he's probably right!  Your Great Grandpa Nickinovich and his brothers and sisters (5 in total) were all this way.  At least, at this point, there are only 2 of us  ;)

Here are some fun things that have developed these past two months:

  • You are pointing and naming everything.  If you don't know the name, you usually just say "dat!"
  • You weaned last month (20 months).  One day you just decided you were too big for that now :)
  • You love PJ's.  I have to pry them off you most days, and even then, you come running to me with them in hand, so eager to put them back on.  
  • You prefer being naked over diapers any day.  We keep a close eye on you!  (and our furniture, bed, carpet...)
  • You are climbing out of your pack and play now.  Hopefully climbing out of your crib is still a ways off
  • Riding on Dad's head during walks is one of your favorite things to do.  It's also a favorite of Abigail's as well, so 9 times out of 10, I'm put to work :/
  • Ever still the Curious George fanatic, you now prefer the movies over episodes.  Unfortunately there are only about 5 movies... they're the soundtrack to our life!
  • When you have a dirty diaper you pull on it and say "puh-puh"  :)
  • You also say "dia-puh" for diaper.  (both are pretty adorable!)
  • Even in the warm weather we've been having, you insist on wearing a coat everywhere 
  • The backpack in the picture below is quickly becoming a requirement as well  :)
  • Ice cream hurts yours teeth, so while you love the flavor, it's not a go-to treat for you
  • Your cuddles have become so much more endearing and meaningful.  They aren't given cheaply, but they're the best!

This summer already seems to be flying by, and in a mere 3 months, you'll be TWO!  Ahhh.  Seriously, where does the time go.

I love you, GG Boy.

Looking for Ferries in the woods with Sissy


helping wash the car with Dad :)


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