Snowflake Lane

Festivities continued this week at Snowflake Lane!

Kevin, myself, Anne, and Ian have a tradition of taking the kids to Snowflake Lane most years, and in recent years, Mamie and Papa have been here to join the fun.

Due to my pushy nature we got the kids a front row seat this year; they had a blast (especially Charlie and Abigail!) and were so taken by all the activity, snow, and special guests (Frosty, Ice Queens, Elves, and Drummer Boys)

Cousin Love
(aka, "Abigail! Charlie! I want a picture of you guys hugging")

Party animals

Hanging with her Elf friend


Attempting a cousin pic (fail)

And just for fun, I found some adorable pictures from Oscar's first year at Snowflake Lane, wearing the  infamous scarf I made  :) fun.

Happy Friday!


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