Family Prost

We just got back from Leavenworth and had a great time!

Just a few months ago I wouldn't have dreamt a getaway with two kids two and under would be fun, but it was nice having some time as a family of four again.

We stayed in town at the FairBridge (three cheers for two star motels with an indoor pool!), spent the afternoon at Cured, Munchen Haus, and Icicle Brewery (as the ol' saying goes: a family who bar hops together, stays together!) and finished off the evening with local fare and dancing at King Ludwig's.

These two sure know how to party.  It's genetic  ;)

Aside from Abigail falling on her head twice; once off the picnic bench at Icicle Brewery and once out of bed that night (poor thing!), the weekend was a success.

First stop, Cured!

Such a big boy, sitting in a highchair

RK (Abigail's most recent addition to her cat collection) stays hydrated at Muchen Haus

George had quite the drunken fan base.  Everyone loved him!

Hitting the table in time with the music at King Ludwig's

Abigail takes Dad for a swing on the dance floor

Jumping into the pool (a new favorite thing!)

Next time we're in Leavenworth we'll be at the new house- we can't wait!



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