5 Months

To ring it another exciting month, you began sitting up last night; a sweet Valentine's gift for me, I'm sure  :)

Were we sitting on the couch before dinner when you just sort of leaned off the arm rest and sat there.  In that moment, you looked like such a little boy!  I immediately ran to get the camera, while you sat laughing with Abigail.  You were so proud of yourself- it was adorable.

No progress in the sleep department, but you've had a few half-weeks of good sleep, so I'm taking what I get.  Dad and I have become bed-sharing pros and while I haven't mustered the energy for a week of CIO evenings, I'm getting there (and boy am I getting there fast)

Asleep or not, you are an amazing little guy, always laughing and delighted by the world around you.

Here are some fun facts this month:
  • You love rolling from your back to tummy.  Tummy to back isn't as fun- you're always banging your head on the way down.
  • You cracks up watching Abigail walk down the stairs (her grunts are what get you)
  • The bubba has been replaced by sucking your middle and ring fingers.  Auntie Steph tells me that's what all the cool kids do  ;)
  • We're up to 2-3 meals per day and I add rice cereal to most of your fruits and veggies.  You love to eat!
  • Every time Abigail talks to you, your face lights up and my heart turns to mush.
  • Your favorite words: "hi" and "a-goo"
  • GG is your nickname and Abigail loves saying "hi GG" as you laugh with delight.
  • Sophie is your partner in crime.  God forbid I leave her at home.

You light up our world, GG.  

We love you.


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