Catching up in the New Year

I realize I've been neglecting the blog, but (ironically) I've been too busy enjoying the calm.

Here's what we've been up to since St. Nick came to town: an overnight date (The Crown Plaza, Banya 5, and sushi at Benihanna.  It was perfect), Seahawks games, New Years Eve at home (we made crab legs then went to bed at 11:20pm- I loved it!), planning G's baptism, a day trip to Leavenworth, the infancies of potty training Abigail, first foods with George, and the list goes on...

It's nice to be back to plain-Jane life.  The kids were upside down on sleep by December 26th, so I've welcomed the tranquility.

George turns 4 months next week and Abigail turns 2 1/2 next month.  I can hardly believe it.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

All dressed up for NYE, compliments of Sissy

"wiping" has been a highlight of potty training :)

My little man on New Years Day

My Sweet, Goofy Girl

Enjoying bananas with Dad

We're in!

I hope you're enjoying a restful new year and taking time to catch your breath.


In totally unrelated news, I'm beyond excited for the game this weekend!!



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