To My Little Girl, Before Our World Changes


Today you turn 25 months (don't worry, I promise to stop counting months now), and are such a delight.  A happy, engaging, and tender hearted little girl.  You love your "Mumma" and given the opportunity, you let every friend and stranger know that's me; it melts my heart and fills me with pride beyond measure.  You love to dance, sing, cross your fingers, wear necklaces, and can navigate an iPad like a Genius Bar pro.

Today not only marks your 25 month birthday, but also a countdown to the baby's arrival.  As I write this, I am just 4 days from my due date.

This past week has been full of contractions, fatigue, and nausea.  I feel tired most days and hate that I can't play with you like I usually do.  You understand there are winds of change approaching, and while I admire your strength, it's confusing for you.  You've been waking up at night; you're having bad dreams and calling out for us; you hug tighter, love deeper, and seem to be taking in the world around you more carefully.

And while I know this time suspended in the unknown is hard for you, I want you to know and never forget one very important thing:

I love you so very much.  

On August 6th, 2011 you made me a mother and opened a part of my heart which before you, never existed.  A part that belongs solely to you.  I have never worried so fervently, fought so boldly, nor loved as strongly as I have since you entered my world.

Every day you amaze me with your loving, loyal heart and I know you will make an amazing big sister.   I can't wait to see you blossom as our family expands both in number and love, and look forward to  introducing this little one to you; they are in for such a treat.

We are so excited for the baby to join our family, but I want you to know you will always have a most special place in my heart.  A place made just for you that nothing and no one will ever replace.

I am so thankful for the past 2 years of having you all to myself.

With all my love,



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