Signs of the Times

Baby will be here before we know it, and unlike my pregnancy and early months with Abigail, I'm ready to embrace all things "daycare" (what I call homes with excessive amounts of baby toys, swings, and changing tables).

Here are a few examples of the "daycare" we've embraced thus far:

Fridge Art (amongst a million ultrasound pictures!)  Abigail's artwork makes me smile, and they're each a Masterpiece in my mind.

A pinwheel in our front yard.  I could stand for a new one, but I leave it here for Abigail's enjoyment.

Sippy cups overshadow our wine glasses.  Who thought I'd live to see the day?  Not me.

A typical view of the tub when using our guest bath.

Couch cleanings lead to toddler treasure troves.  Here are just a few gems from my last dive.

The latest breaking news: decanters make a great vase!

Our bathroom has become a Little Tikes parking lot.  Literally.

The funny thing is, before Abigail came along these things drove me crazy, but with an ever entertaining toddler on my hands, I find such joy and humor in these adorable quirks :)


In other news, we're headed to my parent's on Wednesday to beat the heat with some glorious A/C and as much Abigail-free boating time as we can manage!

I hope everyone has a happy, relaxing, and A/C filled holiday weekend, too :)


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