Month of Bumps (29-32)

Hi Baby,

Summer is here, and it's a hot one!  I can't say it's any worse being pregnant in the heat; I'm sure everyone with no A/C feels miserable at times.  When people ask "how are you holding up in the heat", my first thought is usually, "the same as you!" but to be polite I entertain them with a good long eye roll and an "oh, you know... just another joy of pregnancy" type response.  It seems to be what people are looking for  :)

You continue to be very active; moving around so much as I try to sleep and eagerly waking up in the morning, ready to start the day.  It feels like you're crawling which is unlike the kicks and body rolls I remember last time.  I think you'll be an active one, and even if you are a chill kid, you will still go down as my most active pregnancy to date!

Naming you while not knowing if you are a boy or girl continues to be a challenge.  There's something strange about making such a concrete decision on the unknown, so we've given to relaxing on this topic and will name you once we meet you.  We eagerly await your arrival; a surprise of this magnitude will be so much fun!

I went to my monthly appointment a few weeks ago and have gained 7lbs in the last month (no more 2x a week Zoe Yogurt for us!) and heart burn is getting pretty bad.  Just some fun side effects of late pregnancy  :)

The countdown in on: 8 more weeks!

Here are your Month of Bumps.  29 through 32 weeks:

29 weeks
30 weeks
31 weeks
32 weeks

(29-32 weeks pregnant with Abigail)


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