22 Months

Happy 22 months, Bits!

What a beautiful day it is in Seattle; perfect for celebrating you.

We spent this morning at the aquarium (I know, it seems a bit sinful given the good weather), but you loved splashing your hands in the touch tank and hanging out at the new (outdoor!) harbor seal exhibit.

Dad and I came back from Arizona to a very chatty Abigail on Sunday morning (what fun!).  It's still Abanese, of course, but you'll try out almost any word if we ask.  The best one right now: Aaaa-ale  (that means Abigail)!

You're birthday will be here before we know it, and since you can't seem to get enough of your buddies Bert, Ernie, and Grover, I think a Sesame Street party is in order.

(....party planning time is upon us!)

Here are your "new news" this month (so many fun things!):

-You love waving and blowing kisses.  When leaving, you're very good about bidding people "GAA!"  (bye Puget Sound, bye doggie walking past us, bye Dr. Koala (each time she left the room at my appointment this week!), and the list goes on.  You're also oddly obsessed with waving to bikers.  This started as a waving club when riding your trike, but now it's 24/7.

-We turned your car seat around this week.  I was sure you'd love driving with the windows down, but so far the whole "wind in your hair" thing isn't your gig.  You do however insist on holding my hand sometimes; this can be difficult when trying to drive.

-You went through a period this month where you'd sing the Tango every time you said Dada: "DA! DA! da da....dadadadada"  

-Your favorite climb toy is Great (Great) Uncle John's Marine foot locker in the office.  You love climbing up and flipping over the side of the couch.  This keeps you entertained for hours.

-You're still wearing 12 month pajamas, and your shoe size is a 3 (6-12 months).  Our little Geisha  :)

-Favorite songs this month: The Aristocat's kitten song, and the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack (Grandma got you hooked on the latter.  Fine by me!)

New words:
                Ha! = hot!  As you hold your hand out to test something hot (usually my coffee cup)
                Aaa-daa = all done
                Aaa-ale = Abigail

-With this great weather, we've been able to play outside a lot.  You're favorite activities are playing with the faucet on the deck, walking through the shed (not the safest place, but you're pretty insistent...), and climbing on the playground (something you were very cautious of before)

-You're starting to understand the concept of Baby (I think..). When we ask you, "Where's the baby?"  you point to my tummy.  You also love laying on me and putting your ear up to my tummy (it melts my heart every time).

-When you're eating something you really enjoy, you do a little food dance.  Just like me  :)

Dad and I are having so much fun with you; the toddler years truly are the best!

I love you so much.


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