Talk vs. Truth

While going about my daily life, it dawned on me how many Mommy truths I was so sure of pre-baby, yet so wrong about in reality.

Just for fun, here are a few of mine:

"I'll wean my babies by a year."

-Abigail self weaned at 20 months.  I never dreamed I'd be the Mom who nursed while pregnant with my next, and little did I know how much I'd miss it.

"co-sleeping is for hippies"

-If getting a good night's sleep is for hippies, then a hippie I am!  We co-slept with Abigail until she was 6 months old, and I still love family nights when she's sick (although she's quite the bed hog).

"There's nothing more annoying than a screaming child"

-True, but that doesn't stop them from being yours...

"I want a natural birth"

-After laboring 6 hours with little progress, what a really wanted was an epidural!

"My kids will have limited TV time"

-TV is my sanity, but I limit it to one episode....per sitting  :)

"I hate Raffi"

-Still true (some things will never change), but boy does Abigail love The Wheels on the Bus.  Turn it on, and she can't help but dance (which of course I love.)

"Having a girl doesn't mean you have to dress her in pink and frill"

-No, but it sure is fun!

"The transition from one to two will be easier then the transition from none to one" 

-Although I think I'm on to some solid theory here, I'm just waiting to eat my words :)

Motherhood: such a wonderful, humbling journey!


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