20 months

Miss Abigail, 

You're becoming a handful, but have grown so much this month!

I always make a point to jot down your new "news" every month, and this month I'm full of them.

This morning we went to Uwajimaya to buy sushi fixings for dinner.  Henry, amongst others, are coming over for dinner tonight.  As I type you're yelling / singing in your crib, not wanting to take a nap...I can only assume you're excited to see Henry (he is one of your favorite people)!

You had a great time at Uwajimaya: chasing after Daddy, carrying around a bag of fish jerky, and looking at the live tilapia, crabs, and lobsters.

You love to push the cart by yourself

Roaming the seafood aisles

After shopping we had lunch in the food court where you ate a ham, egg, and cheese crepe.  

It was delicious! I may have helped you finish it...  :)

Not-so-patiently awaiting your crepe

Anyway, here are you're newest news this month:

  • You've mastered drinking from a cup and love walking around with a glass of water in hand.
  • You constantly stand by the baby gate and want to go downstairs, then when you're downstairs you want to come back up.  In short, you love climbing stairs.
  • Your (short lived) favorite food this month was Trader Joe's peaches and cream yogurt and you love feeding yourself with a spoon.  You also love eggs (you eat 3-4 every morning!) and adore mango juice.
  • When we can't get you to sit down to eat (which is more often than I'd like) we let you walk around and eat from your plate at the coffee table.  Most times you'll pull your chair up to the table and make your own dining space (works for me).
  • About a month ago you fell and scraped your knee.  Since then you've been obsessed with your "owie".  Dad will say to you, "oh no, you have an owie..." and you immediately pull up your pant leg to re-examine the damage.  I'm not sure what we'll do once your owie fully heals...
  • Your allegiance has switched from Grandma to Grandpa.  Grandma's convinced it happen one day when she put you down for a nap and you cried for 30 minutes.
  • You've started glaring.  It's sweet, snarky, and sassy all at once.
  • You and Dad started playing hide and seek.  It's the funniest thing to you!
  • New word: bubble (you learned this from the fish song at preschool)
  • You've become an avid reader.  Your current favorites include: Peek-a-Who, Are You A Cow?, Grover Goes to School, any Maisy book, and Where is Baby's Belly Button
  • You went down the slide on your own this month; a risky move for Miss Cautious!

The big sliding event

Coffee table dining

It gives me so much satisfaction being with you each day and watching you grow.  These past few months have brought such change!

We love you so much, Bitsy Girl.


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