19 months

Today we went to the mall to walk around and explore.  You had so much fun riding the escalators (a new obsession) and waving to people as they walked by.  Every time we passed a seating area you insisted we stop and relax for a bit, so I would sit in a chair while you leaned against the coffee tables and shyly smiled at the people around you.

It was a fun day, but as you get older and more mobile, it's become exhausting to chase after you (or maybe it's just that I'm getting older!)

Here are some fun facts from this past month:

  • You're a self proclaimed vegetarian.  You love peanut butter and beans (great protein!) but won't touch any variety of "Ca" meat.
  • Your walking skills have brought with them a new level of independence.  You want to walk everywhere!
  • You enjoy making animals sounds; "Abigail, what does a monkey say?" is your favorite.
  • I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Away in the Manger to you every night before bed.  As such, you've started humming Twinkle Twinkle when you get tired
  • When you don't get your way, you start swearing "GA! Da! Da!"  No idea where you get that from.... ;)
  • You've started giving really big, sincere hugs that melt my heart
  • Play with Me Seasame is your favorite TV show; you love Ernie and Grover
  • ABBA Gold is your new favorite album.  Needless to say, this makes me so happy.
  • We call you the Maytag Lady because you love putting your ear up to the dishwasher and listening to the sound of it running.
  • Every time you see Mamie's picture in your photo album, you lean in to hug it.
  • You love to play with hair clips, and I love to put them in your hair....

Happy 19 months, Bitsy Girl!


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