15 months

Abigail had her 15 month appointment on Monday, and since her one year check-up, we've been loading her with all kinds of caloric goodness.

New stats: 

weight: 18 lbs, 13 oz
height: 29"

As Dr. Spector put it: "She won't be playing in the NBA, but she's got a shot as a gymnast"

A total gain of 15 ounces (just an ounce shy of a pound!).  She eats like a horse and snacks all the time, but apparently she inherited someone else's metabolism...

So there we have it.  Our little munchkin is just petite!


Bits, you are such a funny kid.  You constantly do things to make us laugh and smile; here are just a few of them:

  • You adore mac and cheese, and even though I won't feed this to you everyday, you constantly have mac and cheese breath.  It's adorable.
  • You find humor in mimicking.  Your favorite is when people sneeze.  Your imitation sounds like a cough (with your tongue sticking out), and you think its hilarious
  • You use "bye" as a social cue.  You want someone to leave?  You simply start waving to them and saying bye.  We've had some awkward moments with this...
  • Most nights Dad plays guitar while you eat dinner and before you go to bed.  Your favorite song is Baby Abigail.  Your current dance move consists of rocking back and forth, clapping, and an "ole" arm move.  It's hilarious!
  • You love when Dad spins you in the office chair.  When he stops, your eyes keep going while a huge smile blossoms across your face.  I think you're a spinny-ride girl; Dad will have to take you on these rides.  I was a roller coaster girl; I'll never make it.
  • You're not walking, but getting close.  You think it's pretty funny to stand on your own then trust fall either back or forth- we manage to catch you as you fall to the floor, laughing hysterically.

You're an incredible kid, Abigail.  You have a zest for life and a true passion for making others smile.  Never lose that, my dear- it will bring you so much happiness in life.


mamie said…
I heart this little sweetheart sooooo much! I get so excited to see her and she delights me with everything she does!

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