Sleeping Beauty, Part II

This time last year, I was packing my hospital bag in anticipation of Abigail's arrival.

Little did I know she would go 10 days past her due date and continue this trend as a laid back, super chill, sleep loving baby (arguably the most laid back baby of all time!)

Her most recent pattern has been to stay awake until 10:00 pm and sleeping until 8:00 am. It's great to get a full nights sleep (there I go jinxing myself!), but it's also thrown off any schedule I thought we had.

As a result, we've had situations like this:

A 7pm (hour long!) nap at dinner...

Waiting to fall asleep with the "big kids" at 10pm...

And a quick snooze while reading the Bible?  Why not!

So for all you first birthday party goers, if she falls asleep face down in her cake, don't be surprised!...


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