A Few Pictures

It's been hard getting around to blogging lately- life's been busy.

As you saw last week, Abigail started swim lessons, but in the mix has also been a chaotic (and very unexpected) remodel of our master bedroom (and as a result, a few other home improvements), I've been asked to lead my PEPS group and have been working on some fun new ideas, Kevin started his new engagement at Microsoft yesterday, and, well, Abigail keeps me pretty busy with daily duties.

So here are a few random pictures- just because  :)

Abigail's becoming a pro at sitting up
First cold a few weeks back.  Kevin loved that she actually cuddled with him!

Comfy, casual Fridays!

Abigail's first music lesson..  

Removing the shed was part of the master bedroom saga... more to come

Toe eating nudist

Still lovin' the grub

Oh and we just found out we're headed to Maui April 13-20th!   If anyone has Maui / Baby vacation advice, please share.  I've already called our favorite beach bar and confirmed they allow kids, so I think we're set  ;)


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