Trick or Treat!

The gang: Yoda, Princess Leia, and George Lucas ;)

Last night we headed out to surprise some family and friends for Halloween!

Around 3 o'clock I started getting ready (ditched the wig...dark brown hair does not look good on me) and got Abigail dressed in her Yoda costume....what a sport!  Kevin opted out of the costume festivities, so we told people he was George Lucas  ;)

First stop: Grandma and Grandpa's!

I'm a huge fan of surprises and was eager to head over and surprise my parents.  My Mom answered the door, and upon realizing it was us, reacted in that Publisher's Clearing House type of way- perfect!

We brought over a pumpkin shaped pizza and hung out with them for a few hours.  We figured we could help pass out candy, but sadly they got no trick or treaters.

If this trend continues, we may bring Abigail to the Eastside in future years to capitalize off homes with far more candy than kids!

We intended to stop by a few other places, but decided to keep it short since Abigail was getting tired.

Bye Grandma and Grandpa!

So it was off to Dan and Anne's.  We pulled up and saw their porch lights were off (a universal sign for no trick or treaters), but too bad  :)

We got there and just missed Henry in his candy corn costume made by Grandma true boy fashion, he'd peed all over it!

But we hung out for a bit and chatted, then headed home to get Abigail to bed.

Driving home I realized I'd left our porch lights on (a stark contrast to the Clayton abode), and since we weren't planning to hand out candy, we quickly shut down the house and retreated to our room....

A perfect excuse for movie night and family time!

Goodnight Baby Abigail

All in all, a wonderful Hallows' Eve!


mamie said…
Cute, she is...(in the word's of Yoda)! She is growing prettier and prettier by the day. Can't wait to see her next week and hold her! And, just think next Halloween we can celebrate with you!!!

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