The First Annual Carve-O-Rama

Now that step one was complete, it was time to carve our pumpkins.

We got together Sunday afternoon for the first annual "Lauckner/Eisendrath Carve-O-Rama!"

Kevin and Carolyn took one for the team, hollowing all 5 pumpkins while John hung out with Abigail, Anne made an amazing stuffed shell dinner, the kids played, and, well... I took pictures  :)

I found these fun Halloween masks last week and picked them up for the kids.  Lucy, Carolyn, and I bedazzled Lucy and Abigail's earlier last week and the kids wore them while carving on Sunday.

A fun bonus to the carve-o-rama!

For whatever reason, Oscar insisted on wearing his upside down at all times.

After dinner we set up the pumpkins in the dinning room and started carving.

Kevin, being the avid carver that he is (sarcastic tone..) decided he'd use a drill to carve his pumpkin this year...

And here's how it turned out:

I call this "the guinea pig shot out"

While the rest of us opted for something more traditional:

After carving was complete, we Skyped with Ian to be the judge.

Kevin came in first, John second, and Anne and mine tied for last (bad judging, I'd say!) 

So guess who will be drilling his pumpkin for years to come?  I think he's found his "signature carve" 


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