A Week in Pictures

I intended to maintain the blog over the past week, but I've been too busy cuddling to get to the computer.  Abigail is such a doll, has the best temperament, makes silly faces, mostly sleeps all day, and feeds like a champ.

She's an angel, and we're in heaven.

This week has been so packed between her birth, visitor's, my birthday,  and Kevin's travels, that instead of trying to wax poetic on the last 7 days, I figured a week in pictures would be best.

What a blessing.  I am at a total loss for words...

Thursday night.  Headed into the hospital!
Getting hooked up to fetal monitoring
After the epidural I was able to smile (and feel sane!) again  ;)
Abigail Victoria Lauckner.
Born at 3:13am on August 6th, 2011.
6lbs, 7oz, and 20" long

Grandma and Grandpa meet Abigail!
A close up of her IV.  I'll explain more in a future post

We're home!!

Newborn clothes were too big, so we bought a few new outfits.

First Daddy concert outside the womb

Tuesday night Kevin cooked us an Abigail celebration dinner of surf and turf.
Flowers on the right were for me, flowers on the left for Abigail.
What a great Dad he is!

Kevin's first of many diaper changes

She clearly does not like being naked

And likes the bath even less...

Calming down after the bathing trauma.  Life is tough!

Birthday morning with my birthday blessing

Headed downtown for my birthday.
We went to Pink Door for an appetizer and drink to celebrate!

Abigail's first stroller ride

5 days old

6 days old, hanging out with Gpa

1 week!

Abigail and I enjoyed slumber parties while Kevin was out of town.

I am at a loss for words expressing how I feel, but I know two things for sure:  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life being Abigail's Mommy, and I love her more than she will ever know.

Happy one week birthday my darling little girl.

Dad and I love you so deeply.


mamie said…
OMG! My arms are aching to hold this little beauty! Thanks for posting these pictures. It helps so much close the space between us and you and gives me a look into your world. I cannot wait to spend some time with my newest "grand"! It brings back good memories of my little Kevin, who was such a sweet baby. I know you both are already great parents and I love watching you fall in love with Abigail...sigh...I am going to look at these pictures again!

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