Sailing into my heart

Maybe it was our trip this weekend and seeing all the pretty sail boats, or maybe it's pure nostalgia, but I'm obsessing over this little sailor outfit!  I had one when I was little and am dying to find one for Abigail.  I found one at Grammies Attic (great place for classic children's clothing), and might just make the purchase...once I get a green light from The National Bank of Kevin, of course  :)

What were some of your most memorable outfits as a child?


Elle said…
My favorite outfit was actually a sleeping beauty costume my Mom made for me when I was 6-7... go figure... hehe :)
mamie said…
I have been looking for a sailor dress for maybe she will have many because I love me a baby in a sailor suit! You were adorable! My favorite outfit was a fancy dress my grandma bought me...chocolate brown with white polka dots, a brown velvet sash with a flower on it and ruffle around the neck!

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