Yard Remodel: Phase 1.5

As promised, below are pictures of the latest going-ons in the yard.  Spent last Saturday laying sod (beautiful day for it) and planting a variegated maple.  Everything is coming along nicely and we hope to start building the deck next week!  Moving right along!

Laying sod...we bought 35 rolls!

Took Kevin about 2 hours, but the end result looks great!

Yard in it's current state.  The areas on the side between pre-existing grass and sod have
been seeded...should see some growth in a few weeks

Digging a hole for the tree. 
We'll be extending the island you see there to the right

Our new tree.  Thanks Lucy; we love it!
 Plan to purchase some primidellas to plant along the west side of the yard, then we'll wait for the deck to be built before adding the flagstone path and additional shrubs...we'll be sure to update you along the way. 

In other news, Happy Birthday to my amazing Dad.  65 years young!  Sorry Dad, I've gotta keep this blog accurate; it's my journalistic duty  ;)  And congratulations to Prince William and Duchess (really?!) Catherine...can't wait to go home and watch the wedding...the dress was stunning!

Hope everyone has a great weekend~ 


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