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The First Trimester Hangover

A few friends have been pregnant since I gave birth to Abigail, and when asked about early symptoms, I found I was unable to remember the details, so I decided to write them down this time.

(lucky you!)

Here is a recap of what I like to call "The First Trimester Hangover", in all it's pregnant glory:

  • While I didn't actually find out until January 9th, two events gave me a strong feeling that I was indeed pregnant:
    1. A friend walked in from having a smoke and I could smell it from two rooms away.  Literally.  They walked through the front door and I was down in our bedroom.  This was also the first indication I had with Abigail.  
    2. I cried when Cece died on Gossip Girl.  Cece!  I mean really, who does that?!  (I'm referring to the crying, not my more-than-slight obsession with Gossip Girl.)
  • Herbal tea and bananas were all I could stomach for the first few weeks.  I eventually graduated to smoothies, and am now back in full breakfast / coffee mode.  (Amen!)
  • I was sick 24/7 and it didn't lay off until 11-12 weeks.  Remember when I wrote about Abigail's 18 month birthday?  Here's how it really went down: Kevin came home to a pregnant wife curled up on the couch, an angry baby running rampant through the living room, and Sesame Street blaring in the background.  It wasn't pretty.
  • If morning sickness wasn't enough, extreme fatigue got the best of me until week 14 
  • Chocolate flavored Zico water (an amazing hangover cure) gave me such relief on those nauseating days
  • I slept during Abigail's naps every day.  I still take naps at least 2-3 times a week.  Those toddlers and their energy are no joke.
  • My pants got tight at 10 weeks and I finally caved into my maternity clothes at 15 (I was 20 weeks with Abigail)
  • Unlike my first pregnancy, I've had a few (very random) cravings this time: tea, peanut butter toast with banana (always a favorite), side salads with ranch (I fixated on this for a week straight), Dick's Deluxe burgers, scrambled eggs, Asian food, and bacon. In short, salt.
  • I was in a general state of tired, pukey, achey, crampy for the whole first trimester (every. single. day.)

Wow, I make it look so glamorous.  :)

All joking aside, much like my pregnancy with Abigail, I'm in love with carrying this baby and look forward to the 22 weeks ahead.  

While I could swear I felt tiny movements around 12 weeks, I now am certain I'm feeling all those wonderful little pops and flutters throughout my days.

And really, it's all worth it in the end for the most beautiful gift of all.

Abigail, 1 day old


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