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Just what the doctor ordered

It has been a rainy, miserable, depressing May (and for that matter, early June) here in Seattle. Yes, it usually rains all spring and yes, we usually don't get sunny clear skies until July, but our weather in May has been one for the books. Initally we considered going camping, but with the forecast of rain and more rain, we decided to head to my parents place in Eastern WA to lay poolside and enjoy some local vines. Boy are we glad we did! We spent Saturday afternoon by the pool (I have the crazy burns to prove it!), then headed out to a few wineries that night.

Our first stop on our evening tour was Kiona Winery. It's located about 15 minutes up the highway from the tri-cities (more in the Benton City area). It is a beautiful of the few that grow their grapes in the same location as their tasting room. The views were amazing, so we decided to grab a bottle of wine, head out to their lovely deck and take in the sights.

We met another couple here and had a nice conversation with them, but were finally kicked out around 5 (no we weren't drunk; they were closing and needed their wine glasses back). So, off we went to Bookwalter.

Bookwalter is a winery located on Tulip Lane in Richland (same street you'll find Bernard Griffin and Tegaris on). Great winery and amazing wines (if you ever get the chance, try their NV Subplt 24!) We stayed here for about an hour and enjoyed a few glasses of wine in the company of a fun cover band.

We could have stayed here all night! The service was great and the music even better, but alas, we had reservations at 7:00pm at Tegaris and since Kevin had never been, I was eager to explore it with him.

We arrived in time for our reservation, but lucky for us, there was open seating on the patio and since one of the reason we choose Tegaris for dinner was because of the band, it worked out perfectly.

Dinner was great!

Now, for any of you who know me well, you'll know that older men (epecially in bars) have this strange attraction to me. So, it wasn't more than 20 minutes after we got here that 74 year old Tom came up and asked me to dance. I looked at Kevin for the nod of approval (afterall, it's not like Grandpa's going to steal me away) and off we went. It was a blast! We danced a few songs at a time and each time I was tuckered out but Tom was ready to keep dancing. Kevin got a kick out of it too and we spent the remainder of the evening dancing away or visiting at our table...the three amigos!

Next thing we knew, it was Sunday morning and time to pack up and head home. We were sad to go and wonder if we'll be back again before my parents sell the place.

We hope so!


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