Happy 9 months, baby boy. Time is moving quickly and your birthday is fast approaching (your FIRST BIRTHDAY!) You are growing more each day, really starting to play with and enjoy your sister, getting into everything, and keeping me on my toes constantly. Here are some Fun Facts at 9 months: We keep bathroom doors closed at all times; your favorite new activity is splashing in toilet water :) You have six (SIX!) teeth You're on a 2/3/3 schedule We transitioned to your convertible car seat You're obsessed with Abigail's Potty book and actual potty (see above!) You're constantly pinch your fingers in the kitchen doors and drawers You have an odd habit of putting your hand in my mouth while nursing (luckily you don't nurse well in public, so we save ourselves the odd looks) You wear size 3 diapers and Abigail wears 5's, but since you wear her diapers at night anyway, I condensed the diaper order to all 5's. Simplicity is golden. Dad...